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What I believe in...

The Full Story

Philosophy of Education

Through my own experiences as a student through K-12 grades and now wanting to become a teacher in Elementary Education, I have viewed many ways teachers have taught. I believe education is essential for each student to learn personalized and together as a group of peers. Over the years, I have developed a teaching philosophy that will be used in my future classrooms. I am always open to hearing new ideas, ways I can help better my classroom and better each student’s education. As a teacher, I need to set aside my emotions and personal needs for my students. I also believe that high energy levels and a positive attitude from the teacher are crucial elements to a thriving learning environment. Each students’ Whole Child needs to come first before anything else when teaching. I believe that raising your voice condescending or excessive punishment is unnecessary and makes the students dislike school. As teachers, we are here to educate, motivate, and help students reach their full potential.


In my classroom, I would like each student to feel like their classroom can be a second home, a place to express their creative side and explore their academic future. Students should experiment with their likes and dislikes in the classroom and allow them to discover their strengths and weaknesses, leading them to become stronger as an individual. Each student will understand what type of learner they are to help me teach them in the best way. The class will be organized, but the students will still be able to make a creative mess. When in the classroom, I would have accessible seating and allow the students to choose anywhere they would like to sit. I would also let them decide what order of subjects they would like to learn that day. An article I read the “Teachers act as facilitators, directing students in finding the most appropriate methods of study or materials, and are often seen as an additional resource, alongside books, computers, television, newspapers, and other materials that are readily available to students.” This helped me understand how I would play a role in the classroom by being creative. 


As a teacher in the classroom, I would like to promote the whole child, freedom to make the right choices, individualism, self-discovery, learning types, and creativity. I still believe a structured day is needed for each student and not complete freedom. I will teach by using the four different types of learning, so no student is left out. Many students have different learning styles: visual, auditory, reading/writing, and kinesthetic. This is why teachers need to plan and create strategies to help all students with different learning behaviors. There are several types of conceptual strategies interesting that habits can use and use in the classroom. In the Elementary setting, teachers need to focus on conceptual, theoretical, and practical approaches to facilitating student engagement, inclusive learning environments, and practices to promote student success. Every lesson would be based on the student and how they feel when learning this. It would end in how people in this lesson affect themselves. I will be focusing more on the individual cognitive needs and affective needs while in the classroom. I would not be a teacher who tells you what to do and punish you. I would act more as a guide and helper in the school to help you decide on what you want to learn and improve yourself through the lesson. When It comes to discipline, I feel the teacher and student should come up with a reasonable compromise both can agree on. As a teacher, I believe students will need to develop their social and interaction skills by working in groups throughout the school year. A teacher should be someone a student can look up to, kind, helpful, and always wanting the best for their students. I believe I can and will try my best every day to make my philosophy of education come true in my classroom. 


Technology in the classroom helps students become more independent learners and learn how to self-manage their time when working. Using technology is about engaging students in ways that will increase their learning and ultimately groom them for the digital workforce of tomorrow. (Buhr, David ) Technology today is a huge motivator for students because they like learning from apps and websites. When applying for a job, employers are looking for more advanced employees in computers programs and technology. For example, many employers want their future employees to know how to use Excel, Word documents, and more. Technology also allows students to work on their teamwork skills because of how easily everyone can access the project’s materials. Students will also have to learn how to be responsible with a computer and care for it properly. As students ask more questions, seek new information, find answers and facts, their habit of exploratory learning develops. (Buhr, David ) overalls, technology enhances our children’s education in the classroom and will give them an advantage in the future. Not only technology but hints of theatre and music throughout my classroom.


As a teacher, we are obligated to teach physical education with our students. This is a great way to get students moving, understand their bodies, and help create healthy habits. What I have found interesting is that if we start students young with physical education, they will be very active adults. There needs to be more of the push of this learning in schools. We can not continue to have our youth be overweight, and not exercising. I would like to make physical education a fun learning experience to believe in good habits and introduce them to new sports. I think many students do not have the parent’s time to introduce them to new sports. In my future classroom, games I would like to try and do active exercise or games every day with my students. 


As a teacher, I will grow and change over the years, of course. As of right now, this is the philosophy that I go by as a teacher. I will add all types of elements into my classroom and grow and change for the better. This is who I am and why I would love to teach at your school. I am also open to new ideas and help better y educational philosophy by collaborating with other teachers. 

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