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  • Writer's pictureKaitlin Carter

Puppets made from Theatre Class

3 class days 30-45 min sittings (Change to fit your class)

What do your kids need to succeed!

-Give them a worksheet about all the supplies! (AKA an Order sheet)

-Ask them to Draw their Own puppet on the back of their worksheet!

-After they turn this is in they will receive their bag full of supplies

How do we use supplies:

-Talk to them about how the supplies is placed and how it should be put back!

-How to use scissors properly ECT.

"Teach them responsibility! It is not a standard but a life lesson!"


-socks( Bring in a CLEAN pair), paper bags, construction paper, Fillet (Multiple colors)


-markers, sharpie, crayons



-Eye balls

-Puff balls



-popsicle sticks (props)

-Supplies students brought from home

First cut out the puppet:

-Use two different colors of Paper or Fillet

-Have them trace the pattern onto their choice of material

-Make sure they trace them together and cut them out. Why? So they do not make their puppets two different sizes.

-Teacher reminder: Make sure they have the puppet pattern moved up on the material that will cover the size of their hand.

Why? Because they will want the puppet to cover their hand, and you can not add more material.

Now it is time to cut out!

Glue time!

-Go over step by step where they need to glue

-Do this so they do not make their puppet to small

- Hot glue? Teacher use only!

-Give them options: Teacher will glue them, parent or them can sew the puppet, staples, or tacky fabric glue!

Face time! Silly? Scary? Happy?

Have them reference back to their Puppet worksheet about what they wanted their puppet to look like!

Let them Create!

After they are done

Find a easy play so they can get up in front of the class and act out the play. OR

Split them up into groups and give each group a play. Allow them to a few minutes for each group to act out.

Advanced Class? Ask them to write their own play out as a group!

As a teacher act it out and get your kids involved to make this a fun activity.

Play Ideas

Also Pinterest has tons of ideas!

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